Yes, 2019 is coming to a close and although this end of the publishing world has been slow going, there is always the incoming year to make amends - to put things right. We don't always get given our ducks in a row; sometimes our ducks are flapping, honking resting in the straw and definitely not always flying straight as we intended. I guess that is the way of the world and the way of the world of business. Ah, the chances one takes in becoming an entrepreneur... However, nothing stays the same forever - eventually the tides turn; eventually the seasons change and the fruits of ones labours stays steadfast on the branch of success and will ripen fully. So for 2020, as I wish for ELK Publishing to ripen its fruit fully, I too wish the same for you in your corner of the world. I pray all runs smoothly for you - I pray you find balance between business and family; find balance among spending time with colleagues, your family and yourself - because you too are important. Without the right frame of mind there is no family, no business and no going forward in your business. Yes, I believe the right frame of mind and balance are the key elements in my festive greeting, this year. :) Find balance and the direction you seek to travel, will bear easy roads.
Thoughts from